Website design service
There are very few businesses which would not benefit from a well designed, mobile responsive, structured & marketed website. A website can be the cheapest advertising you’ll ever pay for, given that most people looking for a particular type of business, do so online. A website can work hard for your business 24 hours a day, introducing the business to potential customers, letting people know where you are, what you have for sale & the services you provide. You can also let people know how to contact you at their convenience, so that you don’t miss out on valuable business.
Once set up, a website can cost as little as £5.00 per month for a basic information style site like the one you are looking at now. Set up costs are minimal as well but you need to factor in the size of the site you require.

Why WordPress?
Millions of websites around the world are built using the WordPress open source CMS with good reason. The functions and design features available for WordPress are virtually unlimited. Many of the self-build platforms like Wix, GoDaddy, Squarespace, etc., lack the flexibility of design, functionality and SEO capabilities which WordPress offers. Hosting within the UK is very cost effective, scalable & has an SEO advantage over overseas hosting. WordPress has a user friendly back end editing interface which makes changing design, adding features and adding products to your website very accessible.
'User Friendly' Design
Regardless of the type of website you have, the user experience (UX), should be at the forefront of its design. A website needs to show customers what they are looking for in the shortest possible time.
Relevant landing pages & ease of navigation through the site’s pages can be built into the design. From the search result found on Google, the page the link lands on, the content of the landing page and the ease of converting to a sale, these factors should all contribute to a good user experience.
Whether you sell Fish & Chips or Shoes, the design of your site should revolve around showing the customer exactly what they expected.
'Mobile Friendly' Responsive Design
If you view this site on a laptop, tablet or mobile phone, you will notice differences in the layout & appearance. The design of this site is responsive, so that it adapts to any screen size. With the increase in mobile device web browsing (Googling on your phone), it’s important that your website displays content in an easily read & browsed format.
From an SEO perspective, search engines have started to prefer pages based on responsiveness as one of their algorithm ranking factors. Your website page’s responsive elements should include, ease of navigation, image size & text readability. All of which should automatically adjust to the viewers screen size.
Great value websites
Have a hard working website designed to suit your business and your customer’s needs. An easy to edit and fully supported site means you don’t miss out on the trend towards on-line browsing and shopping.